Top 5 YouTube Ad's Videos

YouTube is 10-years of age now. The video sharing portal shared main 5 Youtube Ad in the course of the most recent decade on the Adwords Agency Blog. Adwords Agency Blog uncover top voted most loved ads from last 10 years on YouTube. Additionally, congrats to the winners.

Here's the Top 5:

1. Turkish Airlines - Kobe vs. Messi: The Selfie Shootout
(Agency - Crispin Porter + Bogusky and Starcom)

2. Volkswagen - The Force
(Agency - Deutsch Los Angeles, MediaCom)

3. Always #LikeAGirl
(Agency - Leo Burnett, Starcom MediaVest Group)

4. Volvo trucks - The Epic Split feat. Van Damme
(Agency - Forsman & Bodenfors)

5. Dove Real Beauty Sketches l You're more beautiful than you think
(Agency - Ogilvy Brazil, PHD, Mindshare)

About Author:

Love Sharma a.k.a Ashu Tosh, is a design enthusiast, blogger and tech geek. He loves to sleep and binge watch movies.

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